UPSC IAS Interview 2017-18

CENSUS : Important Definitions


Crude birth rate 
Number of live births during the year
---------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year population
Age-specific fertility
Number of live births in a particular age-group
---------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year female population of the same age-group
General fertility rate (GFR)
Number of live births in a year
---------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year female population in the age-group (15-49) years
Total fertility rate (TFR)
      5 x ASFR

Gross reproduction rate (GRR)
      5 x ASFR for female live births
Age-specific marital
ertility rate (ASMFR)
Number of live births in a particular age-group
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year married female population of the same age-group
General marital fertility
Fertility rate (GMFR)
Number of live births in a year
---------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year married female population in the age group (15-49) year
Total marital fertility
rate (TMFR)
      5 x ASMFR
Crude death rate
Number of deaths during the year
-------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year population
Age-specific mortality
rate (ASMR) 
Number of deaths in a particular age-group
---------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Mid-year population of the same age-group
Infant mortality rate
Number of infant deaths during the year
----------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz. Neo-natal mortality rate and Post neo-natal mortality rate.
The neo-natal mortality rate also comprises of two parts viz. Early neo-natal mortality rate and late neo-natal mortality rate.
These are defined as:

Neo-natal mortality
rate (NMR)
Number of infant deaths of < than 29 days during the year
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Early neo-natal
mortality rate
Number of infant deaths of < than 7 days during the year
---------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Late neo-natal
mortality rate
Number of infant deaths of 7 days to < than 29 days during the year
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Post neo-natal
mortality rate(PNMR)
Number of infant deaths of 29 days to < than one year during the year
------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 1000
Number of live births during the year
Peri-natal mortality
Rate (PMR)
Number of still births and infant deaths of < than 7 days during the year
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births and still births during the year
Still birth rate
Number of still births during the year
----------------------------------------------------------------------- x 1000
Number of live births and still births during the year

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